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Australia / 2019 / 59 min / DCP

Director : Sandrine Charruyer


A very sensitive documentary, which deals with a subject on the resilience of unique human beings living in remote regions of the rest of the world: Vanuatu lands! It is the incredible true story of inhabitants who, following a devastating cyclone named PAM, never recorded in the meteorological history, finds themselves in crisis, facing the challenge to get a decimated and confused country back on their feet. Despite the media 's announcements that advocate the end of the nation, these fierce spirited people, stand up with a true and honest smile and prove to all, their incredible capacities to rebound with forces thanks to the strength of their own resources, skills, and the beauty of their heart, mind and soul. They proved on their own how much the world is mistaken about the sad fate that presaged it.

Introduced by Sophie Lepowic


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