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PROGRAMME 1 - 93 min

Wolf - Lucinda Clutterbuck (5’) Off-competition
I'm on Fire - Michael Spiccia (24’)
Isolation Restaurant - Nadia Tass (12’)
Sock and Buskin - Mel Poole (14’)
The big Wait - Yannick Jamey (15’)
Rustling - Tom Furniss (9')
Gorgo - Ven Gialouris (20’)

Introduced by Ven Gialouris & Katie Amos


wolfWOLF - Lucinda Clutterbuck 1995 - 5’ - DCP (AUS)
Wolf revolves around the ancient conflict between man and wolf.  A beautiful animatio




i am in fireI'M ON FIRE - Michael Spiccia 2022 - 24’ - DCP (AUS)
Set over the course of a single week, the story of a toxic marriage seen through the lens of a twelve-year-old boy, and the critical step he takes in his difficult path toward adulthood.



isolation restaurantISOLATION RESTAURANT - Nadia Tass 2021 - 6’ - DCP (AUS)
You are invited to a charming Italian restaurant run by Pascale, a slightly deranged gentleman. But you might find the other patrons a bit questionable.





sock and buskinSOCK AND BUSKIN - Mel Poole 2019 - 14’ - DCP (AUS)
A sad clown and a homeless girl discover a joy that changes both their lives.





the big waitTHE BIG WAIT- Yannick Jamey 2023 - 15’ - DCP (AUS)
A remote desert town, with a population of two, is kept in pristine condition waiting for visitors that never seem to arrive.





rustlingRUSTLING - Tom Furniss 2021 - 9’ – DCP (NZ)
In a family of sheep rustlers, a young boy must go up against his domineering father in order to help his younger brother keep a baby lamb left orphaned.




gorgoGORGO - Ven Gialouris 2022 – 20’ – DCP (AUS)
Inspired by Ovid's Medusa myth, Gorgo tells the story of a Greek bride’s cross-continental journey to marry a man she has never met. Thrust into her new marriage, she soon discovers a monstrous secret.




PROGRAMME 2 - 87 min 
Smile - Harriet McKern & Remy Varga (9’)
Mud Crab - David Robinson-Smith (12’)
Anu - Pulkit Arora (13’)
Sleepwalking - Melissa Anastasi (20’)
Mate - George-Alex Nagle (33’)

smileSMILE - Harriet McKern, & Remy Varga 2018 - 9’ - DCP (AUS)
Smile is a reflection on the importance of giving to others, community and the emotional impact on the photographer Tawfik Elgazzar of seeing his subjects smile.




mud crabMUD CRAB - David Robinson-Smith 2022 - 12’ – DCP (AUS
Reflecting on her culpability, a woman recounts the traumatising assault she witnessed of a young man in a small Australian coastal town.




anuANU - Pulkit Arora 2023 - 13’ - DCP (NZ)
A recent widow who moves to New Zealand from India is forced to confront her grief by completing an ordinary ritual in Covid-19 isolation.




sleep walkingSLEEPWALKING - Melissa Anastasi 2018 - 20’ - DCP (AUS)
A young boy living on an isolated property must help his mother escape his controlling stepfather, testing his loyalties and ideas about the outside world.




mateMATE - George-Alex Nagle 2021 - 33’ - DCP (AUS)
After a long time apart, local no-hoper John must take care of reserved schoolboy Jack over a weekend in an insular working-class outpost of Western Sydney.






Created as part of the celebrations of the bicentenary of the discovery of the Southern Lands by Captain Nicolas Baudin, the Nicolas Baudin Prize rewards an Australian or New Zealand short film. This year, it will be awarded by a jury made up of students from the Saint-Tropez region's high schools, among which the Lycée du Golfe de Saint-Tropez. On the one hand, it is a fantastic opportunity for these young people to have an in-depth look at the work of aspiring directors, on the other hand, the perception of their films by a young audience is an interesting feedback for the Antipodean filmmakers themselves.


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